God loves you, now, as you are, regardless of where you are on your journey!

Your soul is worth more than the world!

Take a minute to think about what you would trade for your soul.

While you may at times not consider your soul to be of much value, consider this: The value of something is ultimately defined by what someone is willing to pay for it.




Our mission is to share the good news that the one and only true God loves you and has provided everything you need for this life and the future, to give you an eternal home with him in heaven.


In fact: God loved you before you were born!

This does not mean that God approves of everything you or I or any other people do.

God has very high standards, much higher than anything to which we can attain!

Think about it!

“Love your neighbor as you love yourself!”

How about this one?

Don’t be angry at your brother without a cause? Or, don’t stay angry at your brother after sunset?

Unfortunately, none of us has met these simple standards!

But, because of God’s great love and kindness, He made plans and provisions for your life and eternal destiny before you were ever born!


THE GREAT NEWS OF THE GOSPEL IN THE BIBLE IS “…that Christ died for our sins, and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day, according to the Scriptures.”

— I Corinthians 15:3


After Jesus took mankind’s punishment on the cross, He cried out “It is finished!”

The penalty for your sin and mine was paid. God had come down to earth and not only visited humanity but taken away the sin of the world. Jesus had put an end to the sin problem that we face.

Three days later, God raised Jesus Christ back to life, declaring openly that He was completely satisfied with Jesus and what He did for us and also giving us physical evidence to help us believe in Jesus.


The fact that Jesus rose from the dead gives us confidence in His claims.

The fact that Jesus is alive today gives us confidence in His ongoing power.

He “is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe.” I Timothy 4:10

Jesus, the Son of God, became a man so that we can become sons of God.